Notice to Veterinarians Regarding Prescriber information: “OPT OUT”The 2007 Legislature established a state-sponsored “opt out” process for podiatrists, naturopathic doctors and veterinarians to prevent access to practitioner specific prescribing data, through the Maine Health Data Organization. (P.L. 2007, Chapter 460) Prescribers seeking confidentiality protection with the Maine Health Data Organization to prohibit carriers, pharmacies, and prescription drug information intermediaries from licensing, using, selling, or exchanging for value prescription drug information for any marketing purpose that identifies those prescribers are required to complete an electronic form. The link to the site is: [This notice allows the board to provide notice and access to the registration site, and allows registration, but does not allow DHHS to enforce the reporting requirements of the law due to an existing order enjoining enforcement of § 1711-E(2-A) issued by the Federal District Court for the District of Maine.]
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