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We are excited to announce that Maine State Archives moves back to its permanent location at the Cultural Building this spring!
If you anticipate research requests, please make them as soon as possible. Services will be limited during the transition while we move and reorganize our entire archival collection. Please email maine.archives@maine.gov or call ahead to 207-287-5790 if you have questions regarding your visit.
Welcome to the Maine State Archives
The Maine State Archives, a bureau within the Department of Secretary of State, maintains approximately eight miles of official State records considered to be permanently valuable. Our historical material includes documents such as the original state constitution, reported election results, legislative bills, and policies and research created by state agencies among much more. The Maine State Archives includes two divisions:
Archives Services Division preserves and provides access to many archival records, including those mentioned above. Researchers may request general information or specific records by contacting Archives Services in person, by phone, or email.
Records Management Division helps to establish and administer efficient and effective records management programs within State and local governments and ensure records are being retained for appropriate periods of time through Records Retention Schedules.

Open to Collaborate
Maine State Archives is committed to the development of new modes of collaboration, engagement, and partnership with Indigenous peoples for the care and stewardship of past and future heritage collections.
Learn more about this notification
Online services
Search Our Holdings - Maine State Archives Online Catalog
(Guide to Using the Catalog)
Harmful Content Advisory (pdf)
Digital Collections of the Maine State Archives on the DigitalMaine Repository
Featured Topics
1918 Pandemic Influenza in Maine (DigitalMaine Exhibit)
Civilian Conservation Corps
Records Management Advice Bulletins
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Local Government Schedules - Updated May 2024