Proceedings for 2016 Conference

We have included below a listing of workshop proceedings. Should you be interested in materials from a session you don't see here, please contact us.

#01 National Weather Service: Decision Support Services, Websites, Mobile Widgit and Forecasts
Presented by Hendricus Lulofs, Meteorologist in Charge, NWS Gray and Donald Dumont, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, NWS Caribou

#02 Maine Task Force One: Disaster Medical Assistance Team Overview and Capabilities
Presented by Joshua Frances, MPH, CHEC, Team Commander Maine Task Force One

#03 New Challenges in Disaster Procurement
Presented by Alex Hammerle, CEM, CEA, CEMME, Director of Facilities/Deputy Director of Emergency Management, City of Sanford

#04 Preparing for "Lights Out" and the Triple Threat to the Power Grid
Presented by Chuck Nettleship, LTC(retired), MBA, InfraGard Northeast and New Hampshire, Civilian-Military Advisor - Open as "Read Only"

#06 Low Cost Technology for your Emergency Operations Center
Presented by Alex Hammerle, CEM, CEA, CEMME, Director of Facilities/Deputy Director of Emergency Management, City of Sanford

#07 Alerting the Public: We're All in This Together
Presented by Angel Matson, Assignment Editor, WABI TV5

#08 Partnering with AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC)
Presented by Nicole A. Hayden, Assistant Program Director AmeriCorps NCCC

#12 Maine Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Deployments: Helping Other States in Times of Need!
Presented by Faith Mayer, Steve Mallory, Kevin Rousseau of MEMA, Laurie Levine of the American Red Cross/MEMA and Jon Blackstone of the Maine Forest Service

#13 Serving Those Who Serve: Helping First Responders Deal with Stress
Presented by Richard Chammings, LCSW, Clinical Director, Crisis and Counseling Centers

#14 Mysteries of the Dark Web: How to Prepare Using Early Warning Cyber Intelligence
Presented by Rick Gamache, CISSP, CIO, Red Sky Alliance & Partner, Managing Director at Wapack Labs

#15 U.S. DOT Flammable Liquid Unit Trains: Transportation Rail Incident Preparedness and Response
Presented by Anthony H. Murray, III, Hazardous Materials Safety Assistance Team - Eastern Region, U.S. Department of Transportation

#16 Maine's Dam Safety Program
Presented by Tony Fletcher, P.E., State Dam Inspector and Daniel Taylor, E.I.T., Assistant State Dam Inspector

#17 Managing the Geography of Time: The LifeFlight and Northeast Response Plan for Major Incidents
Presented by Thomsas Judge, CCTP, Executive Director, LifeFlight of Maine/LifeFlight Foundation

#18 Blue-sky or Black-out: Volunteer Management 101
Presented by Jared McCannell, Volunteer Management Coordinator, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention

#19 Building a Mini Cyber Range on the Cheap
Presented by Edward Sihler, MCS, Technical Director Maine Cyber Security Cluster, University of Southern Maine and Danielle Ilsley, University of Southern Maine

#20 Risk Assessment for First Responders
Presented by Skip Pratt, CIH, Corporate Safety Systems Manager, Sappi Fine Paper North America

#21 The Pillowcase Project: A School-based Preparedness Project
Presented by Penny Kern, SLTP, American Red Cross Instructor and Mikal Crawford, ED.D, Psychologist, Associate Professor Husson University Counseling and Human Relations

#22 FirstNetME: Design, Deployment and Operation of the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network
Presented by David Maxwell, Program Director; Daisy Mueller, Consultant and Michael Varney, FirstNetME

#23 Rebuilding Maine's Rural Community Infrastructure in a Disaster
Presented by Virginia Manuel, State Director, USDA Rural Development

#24 Local Flood Risk Assessment Using Publicly Available Data and GIS Tools
Presented by Jennifer Curtis, BS, MPPM, CFM, Senior Planner and Mapping Coordinator, Maine Floodplain Management Program

#26 Introduction to the Type IV Emergency Operations Center Management Course
Presented by Raymond Lussier, MEP, NIMS Manager, Life Safety Specialists, Inc.

#28 New Public Assistance Program and Policy Guidance
Presented by John McGough, Public Assistance Branch Chief, DHS/FEMA Region I

#29 Maine Floodplain Management Program
Presented by Sue Baker, CFM, NFIP Coordinator, Maine Floodplain Management Program

#30 Volunteer Time: Tracking it and Making it Effective
Presented by Michael Ashmore, Grants Officer, Maine Commission for Community Service and Pam Zeutenhorst, CVA, Co-Founder of Envision Prosperity, LLC
