Organizations participating in Risk Management Insurance programs are encouraged to think about preventing losses through loss control.
What is Loss Control?
Loss Control is an organized and usually continuous effort to help decrease the possibility of unforeseen losses and the impact of those that do occur. Loss control can be applied to all kinds of losses such as those caused by fires, electrical surges, burglary, car crashes, hurricanes, or just about anything that causes unexpected harm, injuries or damage.
Why is Loss Control Important?
Running your organization in today's demanding environment is tough. As part of your organization, you probably face many daily challenges while trying to keep customers satisfied. The last thing you probably want to worry about is all the trouble that comes from an unexpected loss, especially one that could have been prevented.
You should understand that while an unexpected loss may be covered by insurance, there are consequences that go far beyond the dollars and cents. There will be claim forms to complete and repair quotes to secure. You may need to work around repair contractors or need to set up temporary offices in a new location. If your employees are injured as a result of a loss, you may end up conducting business with a new temporary staff.
These are just a few examples to help you understand just how important loss control can be to your business.
How can Risk Management assist you?
Risk Management Division wants to help your organization prevent losses to State property, prevent vehicle crashes, minimize lawsuits and generally help avoid unforeseen financial losses. Risk Management wants to work with you and your organization to actively prevent losses or at least minimize their impact.
Risk Management Division handles approximately 800 claims per year. Each claim handled represents a loss that might have been avoided. The goal of loss control is to identify the causes of losses and deal with them before anything bad happens.
The following are a few things Risk Management can do for your organization in an effort to help avoid or reduce losses. Just call or email us:
- About free Loss Control Inspections
- For free Defensive Driving Classes
- To pursue recovery of damages caused by others
- Regarding financial assistance for some Loss Control initiatives
- Concerning your organization's historical loss information
- With your organization's insurance needs
- About support for your Health and Safety Committee
Loss Control, property matters & safety information: Lance Lemieux,, 287-3352