Terrorism Preparedness: Focus on Facts

The thought of a terrorist attack is frightening, no matter where it might occur. Although Maine is not considered a prime target for terrorist activities as we usually think of them, acts of violence in workplaces, schools and even places of worship across the country have shown that no area is immune.

State and Federal agencies in Maine are taking steps every day designed to prevent an attack from occurring, protect our critical infrastructure and respond in the unlikely event an attack should occur here.

Here are some tips to help you make emergency plans, or should an attack occur in the US or abroad:

  • Finding out what can happen is the first step. Determine what the possible threats are in your area or workplace, or places you might be traveling, and discuss them with your family, household, and co-workers.
  • Create a family plan to deal with any emergency. The supplies you need, and the steps you need to take, are the same for virtually any disaster.
  • Learn the school and day care emergency plans for your school-age children.
  • Learn your workplace emergency plans
  • Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activities to local authorities. If you see something, say something.
  • If you have family in areas that may be vulnerable to attacks or any disaster, make sure you have a plan to communicate with them. Remember that cell phones may be jammed, so plan alternate ways to get in touch, such as texting, e-mail, voice mail messages, etc. Planning can save you a lot of anxiety.
  • If an event occurs, in the immediate aftermath there is likely to be confusion about what exactly has happened. Be sure you have accurate information before sharing it with family and friends. Be wary of information received over social media; look for official confirmation.
  • Stay informed. Follow any official instructions you receive.
  • Stay focused on the facts of the situation. Assess the situation to determine if it affects you either directly or indirectly. Then decide if there are any specific actions you should take. If not, continue your normal routine and activities.
  • Remember that, as on 9/11/2001, an attack anywhere in the US or abroad may disrupt air travel and other modes of transportation and have other indirect impacts.