34-A M.R.S.A. section 3001-A: The Governor shall appoint a board of 5 visitors for each correctional facility under the department, as authorized by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 5.
Long Creek Youth Development Center Board of Visitors is having a meeting on January 16th, 2025, from 10a.m. to 11 a.m. at Long Creek Youth Development Center located at 675 Westbrook Street, South Portland, Maine. This meeting is open to the public however due to protocols to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the MDOC encourages the public to attend by Teams. The Teams link can be found on the MDOC’s Juvenile Services webpage, under the tab Long Creek. If too many people attend in person, the meeting may be postponed or made exclusively remote.
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 243 288 025 235
Passcode: Mj5iuw
Dial in by phone
+1 207-209-4724,,885737184# United States, Portland
Phone conference ID: 885 737 184#
For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN
The Board of Visitors is an advisory group mandated by Maine law (Title 34-A M.R.S.A. §3001-A) to review management of the Long Creek Youth Development Center and determine whether the management is consistent with the philosophy, mission, and policy goals of the Department of Corrections and LCYDC. The Board of Visitors is required by law to refer complaints regarding specific individuals to the Superintendent of LCYDC.
Current Long Creek Youth Development Center Board of Visitors:
- Daniel Belyea of Vassalboro (Chair)
- Colby Marvin Bracy of Saco
- Shelby Briggs of Westbrook
- Tracey Cooley, Ph.D. of Pittsfield
- Dr. Anthony Ng of Hampden
To contact the Board of Visitors, write to:
c/o Superintendent Long Creek Youth Development Center
675 Westbrook Street
South Portland, ME 04106