Welcome to Public Preschool in Maine. Our focus is on expanding access to high-quality public pre-k programming for all 4-year-old students through a whole student and community approach. In Maine, it is a local decision for School Administrative Units (SAUs) to develop and implement a public preschool program (also called a public pre-k). The Early Learning Team at the Maine Department of Education is happy to offer support and information to SAUs who currently offer public pre-k programs and to those who are looking to implement programs.
Public Preschool Resources
- Chapter 124: Basic Approval Standards for Public Preschool – the governing document for public preschool programming statute
- Pre-K Guidebook: A guide to high-quality publicly funded preschool in Maine
- Pre-K Program Self-Assessment Tool: A continuous quality improvement tool to assess publicly funded preschool programs
Public Pre-K Annual Survey: Please click here to complete the annual SAU public pre-k data survey

Establishing a Program
Start here with information and resources to support the implementation of new and expanding public pre-k programs and community partnerships.

Curriculum & Instruction
Review and compare evidence-based curricula that are designed to serve preschool-age children.

Resources for formal assessment tools that are aligned to the Maine Early Learning & Development Standards

Technical Assistance Program
Find information on our tri-annual and ongoing technical assistance program for public pre-k programs.

Maine Early Learning & Development Standards (MELDS)
Find information about our state's early learning development continuum.

State Pre-K Data
Information and data collected by our Early Learning Team focusing on public pre-k in Maine
Nicole Madore
Early Childhood Specialist
Office of Innovation
Phone: 207-446-3967
Email: Nicole.Madore@maine.gov
Marcy Whitcomb
Public Pre-K Consultant
Office of Innovation
Phone: 207-441-2651
Email: Marcy.Whitcomb@maine.gov