The Maine Department of Education's Data Warehouse provides data about Maine’s students, education staff, and schools & School Administrative Units (SAUs) in one location. This data can be filtered in multiple ways for comparisons across the state, SAUs, and schools, as well as changes over time. Data collected by the Maine DOE are based on the requirements from state and federal statutes.
- Data Priorities
The Maine Department of Education (Maine DOE) data priorities have been crafted to use the Pre-K-12 data available to support the department-wide vision, mission, and strategic goals. The Maine DOE aligns data priorities with the U.S. Department of Education where possible. This includes using the Common Education Data Standards and the noted goals of strengthening data governance, developing the capacity to leverage data, making data-driven decisions, and improving data access and transparency while safeguarding data privacy.
The department strives to balance the need for data quality and data integrity with the resources needed to collect this data, thus the department only collects data points needed to comply with state and federal requirements using existing data collections. For data points outside of the normal collection process, the department adheres to the Maine DOE Survey Policy found on the Data Policies page.
These focus areas will allow policymakers and other stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding the future of education in Maine. The Maine DOE is committed to creating a Pre-School-20 Workforce (P20W+) Longitudinal Data System (LDS) to further enhance data-driven decision-making across the sectors of early childhood, K-12, postsecondary, career training, and workforce education. The P20W+ LDS will allow for thought-provoking questions to be answered, innovative connections to be found, and education opportunities to be visualized.

- Assessment - Student outcome data on state-level assessments.
ESSA Dashboard | Maine Assessment Legacy Data - Behavior - Total incidents of in/out of school suspensions and expulsions within each school year for incidents involving violence, weapons, drugs, alcohol, or other behaviors.
- Bullying - Total number of bullying incidents reported each school year.
- Career & Technical Education
Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) - The U.S. Department of Education expects each state to provide yearly reports to show how Perkins funds are being used.
Perkins Collaborative Resource Network (PCRN) Maine State Profile - Contains related historical information and many reports that have been submitted to the federal government. - Chronic Absenteeism - Percentage of students enrolled in elementary and secondary education for at least 10 days and have missed 10% or more of their days enrolled, whether absences were excused or unexcused.
[2018 - 2021 Report] [2022 - 2023 Report] - Emergency Relief Funding - Statewide and SAU allocations, reimbursements, and remaining funds for the CARES, CRRSA, and ARP federal emergency relief funds.
- English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Comprehensive Multilingual Data Dashboard - Student counts (total, grade level, and age), race/ethnicity, ever multilingual learners, top five home languages by grade level, all languages spoken by Maine families, statewide ML distribution map, MLs by responsible district, MLs with disabilities, ML exit rate, assessment proficiency, and graduation rate.
Maine Seal of Biliteracy Dashboard - Participating schools, total students, languages, and multilingual learner percentage.
Multilingual Learners - Multilingual Learner Student Counts over time, and home languages spoken by students dashboards.
- Enrollment - Total Student enrollment as of October 1 of each school year, including demographic and categorical enrollments of students.
- Federal Reports
- Federal Office of Special Education Programs
- Annual report to Congress
- Part B, C, & 619 Data
- EdFacts Data Files
- Per Pupil Expenditures - Graduation - Graduation rates of 4, 5, and 6-year high school cohorts based on first enrollment in a Maine high school.
- Military Affiliation - Student counts with military affiliation by affiliation type and SAU.
- Restraint & Seclusion - Total number of Restraint & Seclusion incidents each school year.
- School Finance - Tuition, expenditures, and subsidy reports.
- School Nutrition - Historical nutrition data, including participation rates in Free/Reduced lunch.
- Special Education - Students with Disabilities by rate, including race, disability, educational environment, age, ELL, gender, Least Restrictive Environment, etc.
- Truancy - Total reported truancies statewide and truancy rate.
[Truancy Data] [Legislative Report]

School & SAU
Student population, geographic location, grade spans, and school types of all Maine schools and SAUs.
- Schools & SAU Data (Formerly Infrastructure)

Staff data includes Full Time Equivalency (FTE) and salary of staff by position. These reports can be filtered by state, county, school, and SAU
Data Requests
If the data found above is not sufficient for the analysis to be completed, please submit a custom data request using the link below. Custom data requests that take longer than 1 hour of staff time to complete will be processed under 1 M.R.S.A. § 408-A, Maine’s Freedom of Access Act (“FOAA”) and subject to hourly billing.