Public Reports - Special Education

Public Reporting of IDEA 618 Data:

The Maine Department of Education is currently developing a new reporting environment to serve as a Data Warehouse for current and future data. The new Data Warehouse will allow users to assess Maine school performance data and make comparisons to other schools, districts, and the entire state. It will also contain data on school spending, Maine’s student population, and staff members working in Maine’s schools. Until the reporting environment is developed, the following link contains the most recent state-level data publicly reported by the federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP): The state-level data are provided in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) section 618(a) (for children ages 3-21) and section 642 (for birth through age 2).

Maine’s Assessment data for English/Language Arts, Math, and Science are reported in a separate reporting environment and can be found here:

State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report

The State Performance Plan (SPP) is designed to evaluate the state's efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B and Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and to describe how the state will improve its implementation. Additionally, Section 616(b)(2)(C)(ii) of the IDEA requires states to report annually on each Local Education Agency’s (LEA) performance on the targets in the SPP through an Annual Performance Report (APR).

FFY2019 (2020-21) Part B APR

FFY2019 (2020-21) Part C APR

FFY2020 LEA Performance on SPP/APR Targets

State and LEA Determinations

Data obtained through each state’s APR, monitoring visits, and other public information are used by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to determine if each state meets requirements, needs assistance, needs intervention, or needs substantial intervention in implementing the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

For the 2019-20 school year, OSEP determined that the Maine Department of Education (Maine DOE) meets requirements in implementing the requirements of Part B of the IDEA and meets requirements in implementing the requirements of Part C of the IDEA. The following link can be used to view each state’s determination letter and information on how the determinations were made:

Additionally, states are required to determine if each Local Education Agency (LEA) meets requirements in implementing the requirements of the IDEA. The Maine LEA determinations are listed below.