HP Asset Manager

Overview and Login

The HP Asset Manager is where you can keep track of the inventory of your devices, re-image devices as necessary, and assign devices to new users.

You can reach the Portal/Asset Manager at http://hp.enabled121.com

As a tech lead, you should have already received login credentials. However if you have not, please contact the HP Help Desk at 855-936.2253.


To assign a device to a user, first please follow the instructions on user creation in the Data Uploads section below. Then follow the following steps:

  1. Login to the Portal at hp.enabled121.com
  2. On the menu bar click View - Location
  3. Click on the Assets tab.
  4. Select the asset to be assigned by clicking anywhere in its corresponding row. The cell you clicked on will turn blue to verify that it is selected.
  5. Click on the Reassign Asset To Contact button at the bottom of the box. 
  6. Choose the appropriate user from the drop down menu. Click the Update button.
  7. Click on the View Computer button. The machine will then be ready for your new user


If you have a student or teacher leave your school and are left with an extra device, please contact the MLTI Project office at mlti.project@maine.gov in order to receive instructions on how to further proceed.

District and School Views

If you are a tech lead for your district, you have the ability to access information for all of the Locations (schools) within your district. To see an individual school (Location’s) assets:

  1. Login to the Portal at hp.enabled121.com
  2. On the menu bar click View -> Client(s)
  3. In the “Client” box that appears, click on the Locations Tab. This will list all of the schools in your district.
  4. Double-click on the school you wish to view (which will open a new window)All assets for that school will appear under the “Assets” tab of the current window.

Data Uploads

To add a group of new users (teachers or students):

  1. Call the Help Desk at 855-936-2253
  2. Be prepared to give the Help Desk Agent the following information for each user (as necessary):
      • the name of the district and the school 
      • the first and last name of the user 
      • the user’s birthdate (month and day only, to be used to validate the user’s identity when calls are made to the Support Desk) 
      • the desired permission level (“User” for students, “Enhanced User” for teachers and staff) 
      • and (optionally) an MEDMS ID number for the user (for user identity validation) 

Requesting Replacement Tags

If you need a replacement asset tag for a machine, please contact Gregg Smith. You will need to provide the serial number of the device.