District/State | Initiative | Description |
Cleveland City Schools | Teacher Leader Program | Working in partnership with administrators and instructional facilitators, teacher leaders focus on identifying curriculum resources, analyzing student data, and conducting professional development to ensure students' academic growth in English, language arts, math, science and social studies. |
Collierville Schools | School Support Teams | School Support Teams consist of three leadership positions in each of the eight Collierville Schools and 30 positions that span across multiple schools with teacher leaders serving as curriculum liaisons for the respected grade and content area, for a total of 54 positions. |
Gesalt Community Schools | D3 (Discovery-Develop-Deliver) Teacher Leader Model | Framework includes four teacher leader positions: culture brokers, content leaders, master teachers, and instructional coaches. These teachers have a shared vision and will exhibit a growth mindset and a focus on student achievement and growth. |
Henderson County Schools | Teacher Leader Model |
One of the goals of this Teacher Leader Model is to increase parental involvement activities to support student learning and achievement. Teacher leaders will implement bi-weekly parent classes in English, language arts and math in order to refresh or enhance skills needed to support their child's educational development. |
Lauderdale County Schools | Teacher Leader Model |
Teacher leaders, strategically utilized to reinforce and refine best practices, redeliver key information, expand curriculum knowledge, and collaborate with the use of sound data, will expand the capabilities of all staff members and provide students with high quality teachers. |
Lincoln County Schools |
Teacher leaders act as building leaders and representatives by demonstrating and sharing educational and practices with other teachers and learning leaders based on student needs determined by evaluation of assessment data and trends. They will work to further teachers' understanding of curriculum, new state standards, and the newly implemented state assessment by ensuring work and assessments are aligned to the district goals and Tennessee standards. |
Paris Special School | Teacher Leadership Model |
Goal is to leverage current teacher strengths and provide alternate means for leadership opportunities without requiring teachers to leave classroom teaching assignments. Roles include: instructional teacher leaders, literacy leaders and content integration facilitators, rich task facilitators, after school instructional specialists, RTI2 data coordinators, data miners, and parent involvement coordinators. |
Sumner County Schools | Teacher Leader |
The teacher leader delineates those educators who, in addition to their full-time teaching responsibilities, serve as leaders within their individual schools. Teacher Leaders design and lead professional learning, mentor others, and utilize their planning periods to serve in a leadership capacity. |
Clarksville-Montgomery County Schools | 3+1 TLM PDF |
The district has identified three areas of focus for teacher leaders: curriculum, instruction, and innovation. Each area has two primary teacher leader roles. Data-driven analysis is an overarching theme for each of the teacher leader foci and is considered an integral responsibility of each of the six teacher leader roles. |
Dyersburg City Schools | Operation Success |
The Teacher Leaders will exhibit a shared vision, a collaborative mind-set, and a focus on student achievement and growth. Schools will give these effective teachers opportunities to share their knowledge and expertise with other educators. |
Henry County Schools | Professional Administrators and Teachers Leadership Model |
Professional Administrators and Teachers Shared (PATS) Leadership Model is a framework designed to identify, develop, and extend the reach of teacher leaders by defining opportunities that allow them to take on additional roles and responsibilities, while regarding their efforts and effectiveness with additional recognition and compensation. |
Kingsport City Schools | Teachers Leading Change |
Kingsport Teacher Leader Council provides an opportunity for teachers to acquire leadership roles, maintain their positions in the classroom, and be compensated for the additional responsibilities. The model will positively influence student achievement, school culture, teacher retention, and build leadership capacity in our district. |
Metro Nashville Public Schools | The Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools' (MNPS) model for Teacher Leader development, identification, and role refinement is based on the understanding that teacher empowerment and leadership lead to increased student achievement. | |
Sullivan County Schools | Building Bridges |
Building Bridges establishes three levels of support: Classroom Support Coach, Learning Support Coach, and Curriculum and Instruction Support Coach. Teacher leaders will be selected through a clearly-defined, multi-tiered process. Teachers will be compensated for these additional responsibilities as part of their career progression utilizing differentiated pay funding. |
Kentucky Teacher Leadership Framework | 6 Teacher Leadership Models |
The framework contains six spheres or dimensions, each describing a set of dispositions, core beliefs, knowledge base, requisite skills and unique roles for teacher leaders. While the spheres are interrelated, with each one broadening the stage for teacher leadership, it is not expected that individual teachers will fulfill every role. Rather, these six spheres suggest multiple roles for teacher leaders. Dispositions are enriched as teacher leaders work within the various spheres. |
Ohio Leadership Advisory Council | Essential Leadership Practices |
The Ohio Leadership Advisory Council identified the most essential leadership practices across six core areas that outline what superintendents, district leadership teams, building leadership teams, and teacher-based teams need to do to improve instructional practice and student performance. A description of these essential practices, which will be used to guide the ongoing refinement and development of universally accessible OLAC-OIP resources and tools are included in this framework. |