In accordance with Title VII, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, the Maine Department of Education must have a process in place for monitoring all Local Educational Agencies on their local implementation of McKinney-Vento. This will include a review of the school administrative unit's (SAU’s) programmatic and fiscal administration of the following programs:
- Title VII, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- If applicable, American Rescue Plan – Homeless Children and Youth Part I and/or II
School Year 2022-23 - subgrantees of regular McKinney-Vento grant (7), and SAUs with greater than 50 students enrolled and zero identified M-V students from 2021
School Year 2023-24 - all remaining ARP-HCY subgrantees not identified in 22-23SY category
School Year 2024-25 - all remaining SAUs not in first or second cohort
The process entails:
- Initial notification of monitoring status to liaison and superintendent via email
- First meeting to discuss process, answer any questions
- Collect evidence and submit to ME DOE
- ME DOE review of materials
- ME DOE Final Approval
See below for the McKinney-Vento Compliance Monitoring Requirements and Guiding Questions and a Relevant Document List. The Maine DOE has provided various links to templates and forms that SAUs can adopt.
List of Potential Relevant Documentation (PDF)
McKinney-Vento Compliance Monitoring Requirements and Guiding Questions (Docx/Word)
Hannah Ryde
McKinney-Vento Liaison Support Specialist
Office of School & Student Supports
Phone: 207-816-0526