About Maine Education Laws

As a state agency, the Maine Department of Education is involved with Maine's legislative process in various ways and at different stages. The DOE provides information regarding Department programs and Maine's education system to members of the state legislature and may propose bills and take positions on legislation that affect education in Maine, as appropriate. However, the DOE cannot enact legislation independently and must adopt rules to implement laws as passed by the Maine Legislature. As it is the duty of the Legislature and not distinct departments to provide information on state laws as well as bills currently in the legislature, the DOE does not host this information on-site.


Interior photo of Maine House of Representatives Chambers
Maine's Legislative Process

If you're interested in learning more about the Maine State legislative process, you can do so by navigating to the Maine State Legislature's site.

Maine State Seal
Maine Education Statutes

If you're trying to find a current state law regarding education, you can navigate to the Maine State Legislature's list of Revised Statutes and search for it there.

Hall of Flags
Search for a Proposed Bill

If you're trying to find a bill regarding education that is currently going through the state legislature, navigate to the Maine State Legislature's Advanced Bill Search database and search for it there.



In accordance with State Statute Chapter 35: STATE GOVERNMENT EVALUATION, The Department of Education has submitted a comprehensive report of our agency. Here is the full GEA Report - November 2021.



Courtney Belolan
Director of Policy and Government Affairs
Phone: 207-215-7396

Laura Cyr
Federal and State Legislative Specialist
Phone: 207-446-8791
Email: Laura.Cyr@maine.gov

Jennifer Belanger
Legislative and Constituent Services Specialist
Phone: 207-620-4575
Email: Jennifer.Belanger@maine.gov