Advisory Groups

MaineCare Advisory Committee (MAC)

The MaineCare Advisory Committee (MAC) is a federally mandated committee to ensure that MaineCare is an effective and efficient program informed by the diverse experiences of beneficiaries, their caretakers, and other interested parties. 

The MAC provides feedback on both existing and future policies to guarantee that MaineCare is responsive to various concerns. The MAC meets monthly. It includes provider representatives, member representatives, and additional parties who seek to maximize the impact MaineCare provides to its members. It is open to the public. To join the meeting, please reach out to Kathy Kilrain del Rio.

Committee Membership:

MAC Member List (PDF) - Updated October 2024

The MAC has 3 Subcommittees 

1. Rate System Sub-Committee:

This Subcommittee fosters stakeholder participation in the Department’s rate-setting system through a process of stakeholder feedback, advice, and discussions related to the Department’s planned and completed rate-setting for services. 

This Subcommittee is open to all interested stakeholders and meets on the last Monday of each month from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM, via Zoom. If you would like to attend, review the upcoming agenda, or suggest any topics for discussion, please contact Committee Chair Laura Cordes

2. Provider Subcommittee:

The MAC Provider Sub-Committee meets monthly to provide those who offer services to MaineCare Members the opportunity to meet with the Office of MaineCare (OMS) staff to engage in any discussions regarding policy development, changes or modifications, and to provide feedback on proposed rule changes. Any provider of MaineCare services or their association representative is encouraged to join these meetings, which are public. The Subcommittee meets on the last Wednesday of each month at 4 PM -5 PM via Zoom. For more information or to obtain the Zoom link to join these meetings, please contact Malory Shaughnessy


  1. To provide a forum for providers to bring forward concerns and ideas for discussion, and to offer recommendations of solutions based on those discussions to the MAC or directly to OMS.
  2. To provide a forum for OMS to bring forward new initiatives, projects, or upcoming changes and receive informal feedback from providers outside of the formal rule setting process.
Past Meeting Minutes: 


April 24, 2024

March 27, 2024 

January 31, 2024

January 3, 2024

November 1, 2023

September 20, 2023

July 26, 2023 

June 28, 2023 

May 31, 2023 

April 27, 2023 

March 29, 2023 

3. Dental Subcommittee:

The MAC Dental Subcommittee meets virtually monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at noon. The subcommittee focuses on issues related to Section 25 services, including the adult dental benefit implemented in July 2022 and the dental benefit for children. Included in those discussions are conversations around dental metrics, rates, provider enrollment, and member access.  

To join the subcommittee, please reach out to Kathy Kilrain del Rio  

Link to latest MaineCare Dental Metrics Report:  

Previous MAC Meetings

To access previous MAC meeting materials, click on the dropdowns below, organized by year.

2024 MAC Meeting Matrials
2023 MAC Meeting Materials
2022 MAC Meeting Materials
2021 MAC Meeting Materials
2020 MAC Meeting Materials
2019 MAC Meeting Notes

Drug Utilization Review (DUR)

For DUR meeting information, see the Pharmacy Portal.