Financial Statement Checklist and Instructions


To: Maine Licensed Insurers, Annual Statement Contact
From: Superintendent of Insurance
Date: November 14, 2023
Re: Annual Statement Filing Instructions for Year-End 2023

Hard copies of these instructions are available upon request.

Foreign insurers are exempt from filing a hard copy of their annual statement unless specifically requested to do so by the Maine Superintendent of Insurance. Only our domestic companies, their foreign affiliates and Maine licensed HMO's are required to file a hard copy of their annual statement.

Please direct all submissions and requests to either of the following addresses:

Mailing address
(All US Postal Service deliveries including overnight express)

Maine Bureau of Insurance
Financial Analysis Division
#34 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0034

Overnight delivery:
Deliveries such as FedEx and UPS

Maine Bureau of Insurance
Financial Analysis Division
76 Northern Avenue
Gardiner, ME 04345

Premium Tax Information

The Premium Tax form, due March 15th annually, is not distributed by the Maine Bureau of Insurance; it can be obtained from the Maine Revenue Service by calling (207) 624-9753.

Forms for Premium Tax and Surplus Lines Premium Tax can be found at:
Maine Revenue Services

Company Address Change

Annual Statement Instructions and Checklists


The documents on this page are also available in hard copy by contacting the Bureau.