Fee Schedule

Note: Applications will be returned for incomplete information.

Individual/Business Entity Application Fee Schedule
Resident Application Fee License Fee Total Amount
Adjuster $15 $30 $45
Adjusting Firm (Agency) $15 $30 $45
Branch Registration     $25
Consultant $25 $50 $75
Consulting Firm (Agency) $25 $50 $75
Equipment Rental Company $15 $30 $45
Limited Lines Self Storage Provider   $100 $100
Motor Vehicle Rental Company $15 $30 $45
Portable Electronic Device Vendor   $1,000 $1,000
Producer $15 $10 $25
Producer Business Entity (Agency) $15 $30 $45
Structured Settlement Transferee   $100 $100
Supervising Travel Insurance Producer   $500 $500
Nonresident Application Fee License Fee Total Amount
Adjuster $15 $60 $75
Adjusting Firm (Agency) $15 $60 $75
Branch Registration     $25
Consultant $25 $100 $125
Consulting Firm (Agency) $25 $100 $125
Equipment Rental Company $15 $70 $85
Limited Lines Self Storage Provider   $100 $100
Motor Vehicle Rental Company $15 $70 $85
Portable Electronic Device Vendor   $1,000 $1,000
Producer $15 $40 $55
Producer Business Entity (Agency) $15 $70 $85
Structured Settlement Transferee   $100 $100
Supervising Travel Insurance Producer   $500 $500

Surplus Lines Authority:

Application fee of $15 plus

License fees: Resident $150 Nonresident $150

Make all checks Payable to: Treasurer State of Maine

Return to:

Bureau of Insurance
34 State House Station
Augusta ME 04333-0034

Note: For each application submitted, please include one check for the total amount due. If paying by credit card, please complete this form (PDF).

Any questions concerning fees, please contact Thomas Brooks, 207-624-8434 or by e-mail at Insurance.pfr@maine.gov