New Year....New Habits...New You - January 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Make a contract with yourself to change, improve, participate, or enhance something in 2019.

Make your health a priority
Promise to make small changes to improve your health
Health Pledge is for everybody

In our busy lives, it is sometimes too easy to forget to take care of ourselves and take responsibility for our own health and wellbeing.
Health Pledge is a way to focus on putting ourselves first, to take time out from our hectic lives and make some small changes to our lifestyles to make big improvements to our health. The idea is that we all make a promise to make better choices, to choose one thing that we will pledge to change for the better.
Health Pledge is open to everyone, and the idea is being promoted throughout MaineDOT.

  • Financial Contract Resolution
  • Getting Exercise in Your Life
  • Other Resolution Tips

Financial Contract Resolution

  • Monitor your credit report - Did you know….as many as one in four people have an error on their report that could affect their credit score, according to research by the Federal Trade Commission
  • Pay bills right after payday - Taking care of monthly obligations before letting yourself indulge in any luxury expenses is a helpful budgeting strategy
  • Repay 20% of Your Credit Card Debt - Americans owe way too much credit card debt
  • Use Different Credit Cards for Everyday Purchases & Debt - Doing so enables you to get the best possible terms on each card, rather than settling for average terms on a single card. It will also help you reduce the cost of your debt, considering everyday purchases won’t be inflating your average daily balance
  • Add One Month’s Pay to Your Emergency Fund - Like someone without insurance, people who lack an emergency fund are tempting fate, putting themselves at risk of financial catastrophe in the event of unexpected unemployment or major medical expenses
  • Improve Your Credit Score by 20 Points - The best way to improve your credit is to maintain an open credit card account that is in good standing. The card will then report positive information to the major credit bureaus each month, either building out a short credit history or helping to devalue mistakes from the past
  • Get an A in Wallet Literacy - So start 2018 by taking our WalletLiteracy Quiz and getting a baseline score. Then, throughout the year, study the areas where you struggled and periodically re-test yourself to gauge your progress
  • Focus on Your Physical Health - There is a clear connection between physical, emotional and financial health. For starters, the average person spends about $4,612 on health care each year. Money is also our biggest sources of stress, according to the American Psychological Association. And people who get regular exercise tend to have better credit scores
  • Make a Realistic Budget & Stick to It - gather your bills from the past few months and make a list of all your recurring expenses. Then rank them in order of importance, with true necessities such as housing, food and healthcare obviously taking the top spots. Then, cut from the bottom of your list until your take -home exceeds what you plan to spend. Finally, keep track of your monthly spending throughout the year to make sure you’re abiding by your budget

Getting Exercise in Your Life

  1. Avoid overwhelming yourself, set realistic expectations
  2. Assess where you are now, and then break it into achievable goals
  3. Stick to one small physical activity goal and to one small nutrition goal, and keep a reserve list of objectives
  4. Exercise does not have to be dull. Yet as people grow up, they lose the connection between fun and movement
  5. Some people may love going to the gym while others prefer to play team sports. Still others favor jogging or walking around the neighborhood
  6. Exercise does not need to be a formal activity and does not require a big chunk of time carved out of your day
  7. To get maximum benefits, focus on working out the larger muscle groups
  8. Most of the muscle mass in the body lies in the trunk, thighs, chest, back, and abdomen. Targeting these areas will give "you the biggest bang for your buck

Other Resolution Tips

  • Eat 5 fruits and vegetables/day
  • Eat healthier
  • Quit tobacco
  • Decrease stress by taking a yoga or meditation class
  • Be safe at home like expected to be at work
  • Visit a friend a week
  • Get more sleep and keep a regular sleep schedule
  • Volunteer to help out someone in need
  • Start changing my negative statements to positive ones
  • Keep my work space tidy
  • Read a book
  • Reduce alcohol intake
  • Stay up on current news
  • Plan a vacation each year
  • Make all of my preventative exam appointments
  • Sign up for an initial or a re-visit with a health coach to stay on trackli