MaineDOT Public Meetings, Notices & Workshops

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  • Conferences
  • Public Notices
  • Job Fairs

Public Meetings

Please view our Public Involvement Website where you can view and comment on all Active Public Meeting presentations. This site includes links to recently held meetings, as well as background information about MaineDOT’s public process.

Select a public meeting below to view details.

2/2/2025 : Sidney/Waterville - Design Build bridge replacement projects, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 592-3845
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MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from February 2nd, 2025, through February 21st, 2025

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Gary Libby, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: (207) 592-3845 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations are available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/3/2025 : Greenwood - Johnnies Bridge Replacement, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 446-6419
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from 2/3/25 to 2/17/25

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Denver Small, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-446-6419 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/3/2025 : Greenwood - Locks Mill Bridge Replacement, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 446-6419
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from 2/3/25 to 2/17/25.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Denver Small, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-446-6419 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/3/2025 : New Sharon - Sandy River Bridge rehabilitation, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 446-6419
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from 2/3/25 to 2/17/25.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Denver Small, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-446-6419 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/3/2025 : Strong - Stevens Bridge Replacement, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 446-6419
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from 2/3/25 to 2/17/25.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Denver Small, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-446-6419 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/10/2025 : Ellsworth - Route 1A Construction, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 215-5072
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MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from February 10th, 2025, to February 26th, 2025.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Laurie Rowe, Senior Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-215-5072 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at You can also access those meetings using the QR Code to the right.

2/11/2025 : Fairfield, Truck Training Track, Publc Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 446-1978
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT has plans for an expansion of the John E. Dority Safety Training Facility located at 10 Mountain Ave in Fairfield, ME. The expansion includes the construction of a paved track to be used for training applicants for Commercial Drivers Licenses.

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project and its anticipated environmental impacts. This project is held to the statues and regulations of Site Locations of Development Act: 38 M.R.S. 481-489-E, MaineDOT's Site Law General Permit authorization: 38 M.R.S. 486-B and Natural Resources Protection Act: 38 M.R.S. 480-KK. This public meeting can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from February 11th, 2025, to March 4th, 2025.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Denis Lovely, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: (207) 446-1978 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

For more information regarding MaineDOT Public Involvement, including meeting accessibility and available accommodations you may request for all types of meetings, please see the link to our Background Information page.

2/17/2025 : Dixfield - Route 142 Large Culvert Replacement, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 215-5072
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from February 17th, 2025, to February 28th, 2025.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Laurie Rowe, Senior Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-215-5072 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/17/2025 : Caribou - Grimes Road, Reconstruction Safety Project, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 215-8739
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from 02/17/2025 to 03/05/2025.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Roger Soucy, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-215-8739 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/17/2025 : Gorham / Windham - Bridge Wearing Surface Replacement, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 446-6419
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from February 17, 2025 to March 1, 2025.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Denver Small, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-446-6419 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/17/2025 : Topsham - Route 196 Widening & Overlay: Safety Improvements & Congestion Mitigation, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 446-0364
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an on-demand public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. This can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period and allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from February 17, 2025 to March 6, 2025

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Marty Rooney, Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-446-0364 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

2/26/2025 : Augusta - Routes 202/201/201S, Bangor St & Cony Circle, Public Meeting, Online

FMI-Phone: (207) 624-3381
Download the Notice: DOC | PDF

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend an in person formal public meeting to provide information about the proposed project. Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, at the City of Augusta, Council Chambers, 16 Cony Street, Augusta, Maine 04330 from 6:00 Pm to 8:00 PM.

MaineDOT will also provide an on-demand public meeting, which can be viewed at any time during the formal comment period, and that allows for online comments and questions that will be answered by MaineDOT staff. The formal comment period will last from February 26 - March 5, 2025.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the on-demand meeting or directed to the Project Manager below.

Ernie Martin, Senior Project Manager Maine Department of Transportation, 24 Child Street, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016. Telephone: 207-624-3381 Email:

Access to this and all other active meeting presentations is available on our Public Meetings Page located at

Maine Local Roads Workshops & Events

For more information on future workshops contact Maine Local Road Center at or call 1-800-498-9133 or 207-624-3270.


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There are currently no conferences posted.

Public Notices

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1/30/2023 : Limited Scope Section 4(f) Re-evaluation for the Frank J. Wood Bridge Project

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Maine DOT have completed a Limited Scope Section 4(f) Re-Evaluation for the Frank J. Wood Bridge Project (WIN# 22603.00). The project consists of replacement of the Frank J. Wood Bridge (#2016) on a curved upstream alignment. The bridge carries US Route 201 over the Androscoggin River between Brunswick and Topsham, Maine.

The scope of the Re-Evaluation is limited to conducting an analysis directed by a United States District Court Order. On March 2, 2022, the U.S District Court for the District of Maine ordered FHWA to conduct "further administrative proceedings consistent with the opinion of the Court of Appeals, i.e.: 'for the strictly limited purpose of allowing the agency to further justify use of the service-life analysis and/or to decide whether a 53% price differential represents a cost of an extraordinary magnitude under 23 C.F.R. 774.17." Historic Bridge Found. V. Buttigieg, No. 2:19-cv-408 (D. Me. Mar. 2, 2022) (quoting Historic Bridge Found. v. Buttigieg, 22 F.4th 275, 286 (1st Cir. 2022)).

The Section 4(f) Re-Evaluation finds that the 53% difference in 2019 Life Cycle Costs between replacement and rehabilitation alternatives is a cost of extraordinary magnitude in the context of the Project at issue. This Re-Evaluation also finds that as a result of the cost of extraordinary magnitude the rehabilitation alternatives are not prudent and feasible.

Interested parties may review the document at .

Job Fairs

Select a job fair below to view details.

There are currently no job fairs posted.