September 2017 Topic: Staying Clear of the Flu!

Flu Season

The Flu...What Can YOU Do About It

(Information derived through WebMD)

Flu symptoms can cause a world of misery, from fever and cough to sore throat, nasal congestion, aches, and chills. But there are ways to feel better.

Prescription antiviral drugs may ease symptoms of the flu when taken shortly after you get sick. In many cases, however, simple home remedies may be all you need for relief of mild to moderate flu symptoms.

Here are 10 Natural Remedies for the Flu:

  1. Drink Up: The flu can leave you dehydrated, so be sure to get enough fluids. Water is fine. So are fruit juices and electrolyte beverages. You may want to stay away from caffeinated drinks, because caffeine is a diuretic. Herbal tea with honey can soothe a sore throat. If you feel nauseated, try taking small sips of liquids -- gulps might cause you to throw up. How can you be sure you’re getting enough fluid? Your urine should be pale yellow, almost colorless.
  2. Sip some soup: A study published in the journal Chest showed that chicken soup may help with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections like the flu.
  3. Be a couch potato: Rest is another way of supporting the body’s ability to fight infection.
  4. Humidify: Breathing moist air helps ease nasal congestion and sore throat pain. Try a steamy shower, steam vaporizer or humidifier.
  5. Make a tent: Try a warm compress. On the forehead and nose, a warm cloth is a great way to relieve headache or sinus pain.
  6. Try a warm compress: On the forehead and nose, a warm cloth is a great way to relieve headache or sinus pain.
  7. Be a sucker: Cough drops, throat lozenges, and hard candy can be surprisingly effective at easing a cough or sore throat.
  8. Swish and spit: Gargling with salt water helps get rid of the thick mucus that can collect at the back of the throat, especially after you've been lying down. It can also help ease stuffy ears.
  9. Try nasal irrigation: To ease stuffiness and post-nasal drip -- and perhaps cut the risk of getting a sinus infection -- some doctors recommend nasal irrigation.
  10. Line up a caregiver: A caregiver can’t lower your temperature or cure a sore throat; having someone to help you into bed/bring you fluids is very comforting.