Tis the season to be jolly

Stress-Free Holidays - December 2017 Topic

Download the 21 Tips to a Stress-Free Holiday flyer

5 Ways You Can Avoid Emotional Eating During the Holidays

  1. Find a stress-reducing activity
  2. Engage your brain
  3. Eat healthy food and stay on schedule
  4. Enjoy comfort foods in moderation
  5. If you slip, get back on track

Deck the Halls!

Check out the video below and try these healthy eating and recipe tips - (taken from the American Heart Association)

  • Enjoy in moderation - make healthy decision when you can and have your portions be small instead of eliminating them all together
  • Include lots of seasonal, colorful fruits and vegetables- Do you decorate your house with lots of color over the holidays? Treat your food the same way with fruits and veggies of all colors to increase the nutrient value
  • Slash unwanted calories with easy swaps and substitutions- Learn where excess calories, sodium, saturated fat and added sugars are hiding in traditional holiday foods and beverages, and some easy swaps to avoid them
  • Sprinkle in opportunities to be active - stay active and schedule in a quick walk or workout before you head to the next party