Real Estate Transfer Tax Database (for municipalities) FAQ

  1. What is the Real Estate Transfer Tax database?
  2. Is there a fee to use the RETT database?
  3. How do I obtain an account?
  4. How do I get into my account?
  5. How will I use the database?
  6. Am I able to search for a specific RETT declaration on the database?
  7. How do I update the turn around document?
  8. How do I print copies of RETTDs for a particular period?

1. What is the Real Estate Transfer Tax database?

The Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) database is an electronic database that allows:

  1. Users to create and electronically file RETT declarations;
  2. Registries to process RETT declarations;
  3. MRS to approve RETT declarations; and
  4. Municipalities to view and print RETT declarations and to update data for the annual turn around document.

Electronically filed declarations will be available to municipalities to view and print via the database in 3-5 days from date of filing with the registry.

Rev. 4/10/17

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2. Is there a fee to use the RETT database?

No. There is no fee to obtain an account or to access and use the database. All you need is internet access.

Rev. 4/10/17

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3. How do I obtain an account?

Municipal staff and designated individuals must contact the Property Tax Division to request an account. A unique email address is required for each account. None of the information required to create an account is shared; MRS may use the information to contact the municipality if a need arises. Simply email to create your account.

Rev. 4/10/17

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4. How do I get into my account?

Once you call the Property Tax Division and provide the necessary information, you will receive an email with a link to the database. You will be provided a password when your account is created; we recommend that you change this password so that only you (and your staff) will know the password.

Rev. 3/5/18

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5. How will I use the database?

The database will allow you to view RETT declarations reporting property transfers in your municipality. You may also file the annual turn around document using the database.

Rev. 4/10/17

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6. Am I able to search for a specific RETT declaration on the database?

The search features on the Turn Around Documents tab should allow you to locate any declaration recorded at the registry after June 2005. You may only view those declarations reporting property in your municipality. The Transfer Date search will identify a declaration using the date of transfer reported on the declaration, not the date recorded by the registry. You may search by Book # and Page #, and by Minimum Price and Maximum Price as reported on the declaration. You may also search by the DLN (document locator number); this unique number is displayed on the database and on the printed copy currently mailed to the municipality. You may search by Grantee or Grantor, however this search field may not provide the best results, due to variations in spelling, inclusion or exclusion of middle initial, and other differences with names. Once you have located the declaration you wish to view, click on the DLN# to view the data; you may generate a PDF by selecting the Generate a PDF button.

Rev. 4/10/17

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7. How do I update the turn around document?

The Turn Around Documents tab also allows you to update the sales information electronically, so you won’t have to wait for the hard copy of the turn around document mailed from MRS in late August or early September. The data you enter can be downloaded by the Property Tax Division and you will not have to reenter it on the hard copy or Excel spreadsheet. To process the sale, click on the Process button, enter the required fields and then select the Save & Continue button at the bottom of the page. The information will be brought back to you in a “pending” status; you may choose the CancelEdit or Submit Form buttons at the bottom of the page. You then may choose to process another TADContinue to Main Menu or Generate a PDF.

Rev. 4/10/17

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8. How do I print copies of RETTDs for a particular period?

Log into your municipal account and click on Print Batch near the top center of the page.  Enter the month, date and year in the begin and end boxes for the RETTDs that you wish to print. Click on Search. You will see a list of the RETTDs for that period. Click the Select All box or select the single declarations you wish to print. Click on Create Report in the yellow box. Under the black Print Batch Report click on View printable report.  This will enable a download of PDF selected RETTDs.

Rev. 6/21/19

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