Rate Determination Initiation and Rate Study Kickoff Meeting Notice for Home and Community Based Supports for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities or Autism, Sections 21 and 29, and Proposed Lifespan Waiver
This bulletin provides notice that the Department has initiated a Rate Determination Process* for Home and Community Based Supports for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities or Autism, Sections 21 and 29, and a new proposed Lifespan waiver service.
New rates are being determined pursuant to Public Law 2023, Chapter 412, Part LLLLL, which authorizes the new Lifespan program and directs the Department to facilitate federal approval of the new program and adopt rules implementing it. Because many Lifespan services will be similar to current Section 21 and Section 29 services, development of Lifespan rates requires existing Section 21 and 29 rates to be reviewed. Burns & Associates is conducting this rate determination for the Department.
Please register in advance for the Providers of Sections 21 and 29, Rate Study Kickoff Meeting.
On September 15, 2023, the Department and its vendor will host a virtual “kick off” meeting with Sections 21 and 29 providers and other interested members of the public. At this meeting, we will explain the rate determination process and walk providers through a cost survey that they will then have four (4) weeks to fill out and return.
Following this, we will hold another virtual meeting to walk providers through the cost data we receive through the surveys (note: the data will be aggregated, so no individual provider’s data will be shared), so that we can ask for input regarding any anomalies, and so that stakeholders can provide any other feedback.
Lastly, we will hold another virtual meeting, to walk stakeholders through the draft rates that were developed based on the cost survey data and other information, and to take questions and comments. Stakeholders will then have four (4) weeks to provide written comments, after which the Department will respond in writing to comments with an explanation of whether and how feedback was incorporated into the final rates that are expected to become effective with Lifespan implementation in 2025.
As providers and interested stakeholders, your feedback is important. We encourage you to participate in these meetings as we work toward new Lifespan rates and update existing rates and rate methods for Sections 21 and 29.
Please contact Peter Kraut, MaineCare’s Rate Setting Manager, with any questions related to this rate study process.
Providers of Sections 21 and 29, Rate Study Kickoff Meeting
Date/Time: Friday, September 15, 2023, 12:30PM – 2:00PM