​MaineCare Provider Enrollment Update

The Office of MaineCare Services implemented a systems enhancement to automate updates to the licensure of rendering providers. Historically, providers have needed to submit a maintenance case to update the license expiration date for their already enrolled rendering providers. MaineCare’s MIHMS system will now automatically update a MaineCare-enrolled rendering provider’s license expiration date against the State of Maine’s Agency License Management System (ALMS).    

How it works:  

  • Providers no longer need to submit maintenance cases to update State of Maine license information for enrolled rendering providers.  

  • MIHMS will identify currently enrolled rendering providers whose license date on file with MaineCare is due to expire within the next two months.   

  • MIHMS will run checks for those rendering providers against the State of Maine’s ALMS system on a weekly basis. As those licenses are approved and posted in ALMS, MIHMS will update the license dates.   

  • No action is needed by the provider. These licensure updates will occur even if a provider has an open maintenance case.    

Providers with a pending maintenance case can use the Health PAS Online Portal to verify that a rendering provider’s license expiration date has been updated. Providers do not have to wait until that maintenance case is completed to bill for services delivered by those rendering providers. You can bill once the system has updated the rendering provider’s license expiration date.    

A maintenance case is still required for some changes. Please submit a maintenance case when:    

  • Adding or removing a rendering provider  

  • Adding or changing the licensure type of an enrolled rendering provider  

  • Updating license information from another state  

  • Updating a facility’s license   

If a rendering provider’s license has not been updated automatically, providers should reach out to your Provider Relations Specialist. Please wait at least two weeks from the date that ALMS has updated the license before contacting the Provider Relations Unit to ensure that MIHMS has had an opportunity to identify and update the license expiration date.  


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