Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution also known as Polluted Stormwater Runoff

Unlike point source pollution that can be traced back to a specific place such as a discharge pipe, nonpoint source pollution or polluted stormwater runoff, often comes from a number of diffuse sources within a watershed (all the land area that drains into one waterbody). Stormwater runoff is water that doesn't soak into the ground during a rain storm and flows over the surface of the ground until it reaches a stream, lake, estuary, or the ocean. Stormwater runoff often picks up polluting hitchhikers such as soil, fertilizers, pesticides, manure, and petroleum products.

Below is information about grants, training, and other programs available through Maine DEP and elsewhere relating to polluted stormwater runoff.

Nonpoint Source Training Center. Organizes and hosts erosion control and stormwater related workshops, maintains the Erosion Control Contractor Certification program, and acts as a clearinghouse for NPS and Best Management Practices (BMP) information.

Guides and Manuals. Resources covering a variety of ways to reduce stormwater pollution.

Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Control Grants Program (319). Grants to prevent or reduce nonpoint source pollution to Maine’s water resources. Additional assistance can be found on our Grants & Loans page.

Information for shorefront property owners.

Stormwater Water Program - Waste Discharge Law. Permitting programs that address stormwater discharges from designated industrial sites and urban communities.

Off site Resources

ThinkBlue. A partnership of Maine communities, agencies and nonprofits working together to protect and improve Maine’s water resources. The site provides information on how to reduce stormwater pollution as well as information about the partnership.