Five-a-Day - August 2023

What is the Magic Formula?

Only about 1 in 10 Americans eat enough fruit and vegetables, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

What can you do to remember to eat fruits and veggies every day? Post a note or letter magnets on your refrigerator spelling out 5 a Day as a reminder to eat healthier.

This is the optimal amount, so don’t feel bad if you don’t make it every single day. At a minimum, try fruit at breakfast and a snack, and a serving of veggies at lunch and dinner as a starting point.

For those that typically don’t eat fruits and vegetables, it can seem challenging to get to 5-A-Day, however, if you start with at least 1 serving daily, it will get easier to build yourself up to 5 a day.

There are several ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, including:

  • eating an apple, banana, tangerine, or pear as a quick snack between meals
  • snacking on celery and carrot sticks with different dips such as hummus, ranch, or tzatziki sauce
  • buying premixed salads that are easy to serve with little or no preparation
  • adding vegetables into your favorite meals, such as omelets

If you are not already consuming 5 servings daily, start by adding at least one more serving of either fruit or vegetables until you get to 5; you will eventually get to your goal.