Changes and Challenges - January 2020

7 Ways to practice simplicity by Courtney Carver

Instead of working towards a goal that seems out of reach, implement a daily practice and start enjoying the rewards now.

  1. Put you first.
  2. You spend the day giving. You give your time, space and energy to your family, friends, work, and many other things. If you are lucky, you find a little time to unwind during the day, but it doesn’t happen every day. If you want to continue to give, you must put you first. A morning routine (5-30 minutes) just for you every morning will change how you give. Wake up 5 minutes early and move slowly instead of cursing the alarm clock and speeding through the morning making sure everyone has what they need. You first. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary.
  3. Declutter every day.
  4. Keep a small box by a convenient exit in your home and drop things that you don’t use in it every day. When it’s full, tape it up and donate it. Repeat.
  5. Build a $1000 emergency fund.
  6. Even if you have debt, make a small contribution on a regular basis to build a $1000.00 emergency fund. It will simplify your life in so many ways. Unexpected expenses are stressful and can really complicate and shake up your life. Eliminate that stress with an emergency fund. It was our first step in becoming debt free.
  7. Ask for help.
  8. Host a simplicity time with your spouse and/or family members. You can’t expect everyone in your family to be as interested in simplifying as you are but include them and listen to them. Ask great questions. Celebrate progress and highlight some of the benefits you’ve enjoyed as a result of simplifying.
  9. Document your practice.
  10. Sometimes it’s hard to remember how much progress you’ve made. Write in a journal about your daily progress or photograph the things you are giving away. You could shoot before/after pictures of your rooms or even start a blog.
  11. Connect without Comparison.
  12. Connect with people sharing their simplicity journeys. Read books and blogs and connect with the writers on Twitter or Facebook. Don’t compare your journey but share your experience. Ask questions. Be supported and inspired by like-minded people. And then support and inspire them right back.
  13. Discover what you love.
  14. Simplifying your life is rewarding, but you might get bored with the process if it is all-consuming. The best part of getting rid of the things that don’t matter, is that you build time and space to discover what is truly meaningful to you. Discover and engage. Simplicity paves the way for you to start doing the things you really love.

If simplicity is a practice and not a destination, you don’t have to wait to get started. You don’t have to be discouraged at how slowly or quickly it goes, and you can measure your success in joy and happiness instead of arrival time and place.
