Older Adults and Adults with Physical Disabilities

There are services across the state that support older adults, adults with physical disabilities, family members, and care partners.  A wide range of needs can be met with these services, from home-based care and access to healthy food, to opportunities to socialize and recreate in the community, to receiving care at a nursing facility. 

Area Agencies on Aging

The five Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) in Maine serve as “one-stop-shops” to answer questions from older adults, individuals with disabilities and their care partners about a wide range of in-home, community-based, and institutional services.

Older Adult Services

Learn about services that can help you with food and nutrition, SHIP and Medicare assistance, legal assistance, health and wellness, assistive technologies, and the senior community service employment program.

Care Partner Supports

Learn about programs that allow care partners to take time to do things other than providing care, such as: practicing self-care, running errands, visiting family members and friends, going to medical/dental appointments, and resting.

Adult Day Services

Learn about programs that are designed to provide older adults and adults with disabilities the opportunity to engage in community-based services, including: structured social, recreational and therapeutic activities, limited health services, meals, supervision, support services, personal care services, information and referrals and respite for caregivers.

Home Care

Learn about several home care programs that provide supportive community services to older and disabled adults in order to avoid or delay nursing home placement.

Residential and Nursing Care Services

Learn about facility-based programs which include: the Independent Housing with Services Program, Residential/Assisted Living, and Nursing Facility Services – each providing a different level of support.