Adults with Brain Injury


MaineCare (Maine's Medicaid Program) has services available to qualifying individuals 18 years and older, who have sustained an acquired brain injury.

Intellectual Disability and Autism


Adults with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders who want to live as independently as possible at home and/or in their community may be eligible for one of two “waiver” programs.

Older Adults and Adults with Physical Disabilities

There are services across the state that support older adults, adults with physical disabilities, family members, and care partners.  A wide range of needs can be met with these services, from home-based care and access to healthy food, to opportunities to socialize and recreate in the community, to receiving care at a nursing facility. 

Residential and Nursing Care Services


While many services are available to assist people with their health care needs and help them stay in their homes, there are times when a person’s level of care requires a facility-based program. Maine has several facility-based programs which include: the Independent Housing with Services Program, Residential/Assisted Living, and Nursing Facility Services – each providing a different level of support.

Support at Home

There are services available to support adults and help them to live more independently at home. To learn more about what options may be available to you, choose from one of the options below.


Find information and updates on initiatives at the Office of Aging and Disability Services.

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