Bureau of Water Quality

Maine DEP can now accept online credit card payments through a Credit Card Payment Portal. Please note: not all license types are available for electronic payment, the portal can only accept payments of less than $5,000, and the servicer of the portal charges a $2 transaction fee. See the Payment Portal for more details.

DEP reminds Mainers of what not to flush

Wastewater Treatment Facilities

NetDMR. Assistance with NetDMR issues is available by emailing or by calling Brett Goodrich at 207-287-9034.

DMR-QA Study 40. The study is open with adjusted dates to account for disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement letter for Study 40 can be found at the EPA website using this link: DMR-QA Study 40. Information about the program requirements can be found at Study 40 Information. Please respond to Brett Goodrich at 207-287-9034 with any questions.

Wastewater Operator Certification

Assessment centers offering the computer-based testing (CBT) exams for wastewater operator certification are beginning to open. Currently, the Portland and Presque Isle centers are open. Auburn and Farmington are scheduled to open on July 7, and Bangor is closed due to construction. The lists of testing centers that are open can be found at: NEIWPCC-JETCC website. To apply for an exam, contact Spring Connolly at 207-253-8020 or go to the website, For certification questions, contact Judy Bruenjes at 207-287-7806.

Wastewater Operator Training

During the Covid pandemic, training providers and professional associations have temporarily stopped offering in-person classes and conferences and are working to move their content to online platforms. DEP encourages operators to pursue online training opportunities where possible. DEP's Wastewater Certification webpageprovides a list of approved Webinars, virtual training, and correspondence courses. For courses not listed, operators may request Training Contact Hours (TCH) using the TCH request form. Attendees must receive a Certificate of Completion to received TCHs. Please contact Judy Bruenjes for more information.