Publications and Newsletters
- Publications
- MLRC Newsletters
- MMA Articles
- MaineDOT Research Reports
These publications are free upon request (except as noted).
- List of current publications offered by MaineDOT Maine Local Roads Center(PDF)
- MaineDOT's Standard Specs for Highway and Bridges (November 2014 edition-gold cover). One free bound copy per Maine municipality (Free online or hard copy price is $10 if picked up in office, $13 if mailed. Call 207/624-3270.)
- MaineDOT Standard Detailsfree on line or hard copy price is $20 if picked up in office, $25 if mailed)
- MaineDOT BMP's for Erosion Controlfree on line or Hard copy ($9 if picked up in office, $13 if mailed)
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD. Work Zone Mini book Part I and VI only, 2009 Edition. Price is $10.00. Tel. 207/624-3270 or
Work zone flipbook “pocket guide” produced by Maine Local Roads Center -- $3 each.
- Summer 2016 (PDF)
- Winter 2014(PDF) Topics: using brine, calibrating spreaders, road inventory, free posting signs, LRAP update,9-1-1, new laws.
- Summer 2013 (PDF) Topics: paving, RSMS11 software, pavement markings, fish passage, Highway Congress winners, “Roads Scholars”.
- Summer 2012 (PDF) Topics: RSMS11, Nancy Tyler, new laws, bridge workshops, loader/backhoe training, traffic counting, DOT Mapviewer.
- "Good time to Start a Public Works Department?” -- “Maine Townsman” (May 2010) on how several Maine towns contemplated this question.
- “Spending on Roads During a Recession” – “Maine Townsman” (May 2010) on how a few Maine towns are tackling expensive road work.
- "PR strategies for Public Works” – “Maine Townsman” (April 2008) on how a good public relations plan can help to “sell” a road project or keep citizens informed about operations
- "Biggest Bang for the Buck in Public Works” – “Maine Townsman” (April 2008) on pavement management, collaboration on equipment, heating fuel, snowplow blades, and trash recycling.
Research reports at the MaineDOT Transportartion Research website