Home → For Libraries → Advocacy & Marketing → Graphics to Use
Graphics to Use
if you need help with any of the graphics, use the Feedback link under "Connect" at the bottom of this page.
Download Library, 128 x 54 px
- gif format, 3 KB, Alt tag: "Visit the InfoNet Download Library and read more how to access e-books and audiobooks." .
- 100 x 42 px, 2 KB, same Alt text as above
- Scalable web version: png format, 98 KB
- For more PR materials for only member libraries of InfoNet's Download Library: Log into Overdrive's support site then follow this path of links: 1. Marketing and Outreach Resources; 2. For Libraries; 3. Promotional Resources; 4. General Promotion
Printable Download Library Icons - Be sure to right click and save!
- Right click to save as a tif format (500 px) of the Download Library icon to use on print materials. [449 KB]; 300 px tif [220 KB]; 200 px tif [148 KB]
Wireless Icons
- Feel free to use any of the wireless icons, thanks to Holly from Hollyworks.com for customizing.
- Try a different color! [png file] More sizes and colors available.
- Link to the list of Maine libraries with wireless so your patrons or visitors will know other libraries as they travel through Maine.
- Use the graphic without the "Wifi for Maine" to alert people your library offers wireless.
20px by 27px, [gif, 1 KB] ; , 80px by 90px, [gif, 2KB];
100px by 114, [gif, 2 KB]; 80px by 75px, [gif, 2KB] - Download larger graphic resources
with no words
on the graphic
- png format - best for lossless resizing, should open in photo programs, [png, 85 KB]
- 304px by 348px, [gif, 19 KB]
- TIF as 304 by 348 [tif, 23.1 KB]
- Bookmark: "Maine’s Libraries are good for the ECONOMY" - Updated 06-2012
Economy.pdf, [PDF, 110 KB]; Economy.docx, [Word 2007, 45 KB]