Maine Farmer's Market Rack Card A rack card that shows you how to get more at your local farmers' markets: more fun, more food, more healthy.
(Max of 50)
Rooming In Laminated Poster This resource encourages ?rooming in? after childbirth. By keeping a child in the room with parents, the whole time they are in the hospital, helps parents learn to care for all their baby's needs and is one of the "10 steps to Successful Breast Feeding". (www.babyfriendlyusa.org/about-us/baby-friendly-hospital-initiative/the-ten-steps )
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Diabetes Rack Card 4 x 9 inch rack card with information about diabetes.
(Max of 50)
Pre-Diabetes Rack Card 4 x 9 inch card with information and screening test for pre-diabetes.
(Max of 50)
Digital version for electronic display (size: 16:9 aspect ratio)
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Self-Measured Blood Pressure resource 4x9-inch, full color card with information about checking your blood pressure at home.
(Max of 50)
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Cancer Survivors and Tobacco Use This is a two sided 4x8 rack card that healthcare providers can use to talk with their patients about lung cancer screening and the need to quit smoking if they are a cancer survivor.
(Max of 100)
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Million Hearts This 4" x 9" card provides an overview of the Million Hearts initiative to share with partners and encourage them to take the pledge.
(Max of 50)
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Know Your Numbers - Glucose These 4" x 9" cards focus on the importance of knowing your numbers for blood glucose and what "normal" numbers should be
(Max of 50)
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Know Your Numbers - Cholesterol These 4? x 9? cards focus on the importance of knowing your numbers for cholesterol and what ?normal? numbers should be
(Max of 50)
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Know Your Numbers - Blood Pressure These 4" x 9" cards focus on the importance of knowing your numbers for blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose and what "normal" numbers should be
(Max of 50)
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Sodium: The Trouble with Sodium (limit of 50 each) This 4? x 9? card tells why you should eat less sodium, where most sodium comes from, and how you can cut back
(Max of 50)
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Stroke Symptoms and Risks This 4? x 9? card focused on increasing awareness of the symptoms of stroke, the need to call 9-1-1 immediately and risks for having a stroke.
(Max of 50)
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Heart Attack Symptoms and Risks This 4" x 9" card focuses on increasing awareness of the symptoms of heart attack, the need to call 9-1-1 immediately, and risks for having a heart attack.
(Max of 50)
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