Division of Environmental and Community Health

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention

A Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services

DHHSMeCDCEnvironmental and Community HealthDrinking WaterPublic Water SystemsMonthly Operating Reports

Monthly Operating Reports

All public water systems that treat their water using chemicals must submit a Monthly Operating Report (MOR) to the Drinking Water Program.

There are essentially two types of MORs submitted to the DWP:

  • The Small System Chlorination Report Form, as its name implies, is for small public water systems only. Systems in this category include trailer parks, restaurants, motels, and campgrounds. This report is designated as MOR-012.

  • All other MORs are designated MOR-001 thru -011. The DWP will accept electronic submittal of MORs-001 thru -011 in the XLS format and submitted via the designated MOR email address:

Please note: All MORs must be submitted by the 10th of the month following the reported calendar month. (For example, operations in January must be reported to the DWP by February 10.)

MOR forms can be downloaded using links in the table below. MOR forms are available in two formats, XLS (MS Excel file) and PDF.

Procedure for Electronic Submittal of MORs:

  1. Using the Excel version of the MOR, fill in all appropriate fields.
  2. After you have filled out the MOR, print out a hard copy, sign it, and place it in your files. The hard copy of the MORs should be available for review by DWP inspectors during a sanitary survey.
  3. Each MOR should be saved with a file name with the following format: ABC Water District PWSID# [MEXXXXXXX] July MOR.xls (or ...MOR001.xls)
  4. Attach the file to an e-mail and send it to The subject line of your e-mail should read: "ABC Water District PWSID# [MEXXXXXXX] July MOR".
  5. Upon receipt of an e-mail the DWP will send an automatic confirmation reply.
  6. Do not send additional copies via regular mail (USPS) or fax to the DWP unless requested.

Monthly Operating Reports

Report Use XLS PDF
Chemical usage and daily production: All Surface Water (SW) and Groundwater Under the Influence (GUI) systems MOR 001 MOR 001
Chemical usage and daily production: All Groundwater (GW) systems MOR 002 MOR 002
SWTR Report: All SW and GUI systems using conventional and direct filtration MOR 003 MOR 003
SWTR Report: All SW and GUI unfiltered systems that use Chlorine only MOR 004 MOR 004
DBP Report: All SW and GUI systems serving >10,000 people MOR 005 MOR 005
DBP Report: All SW and GUI systems serving <10,000 people MOR 006 MOR 006
DBP Report: All GW systems that disinfect MOR 006A MOR 006A
Chlorine Dioxide Report: All Chlorine Dioxide systems MOR 007 MOR 007
Fluoride Report: All systems that add fluoride MOR 008 MOR 008
DBP Report: All SW and GUI unfiltered systems serving >10,000 people, with >4 TTHM and HAA5 sampling points MOR 009 MOR 009
SWTR Report: All SW and GUI unfiltered systems that use multiple disinfectants MOR 010 MOR 010
SWTR Report: All SW and GUI systems that use Slow Sand or another type of alternative filtration MOR 011 MOR 011
Chemical usage and daily production: Small Water System Chlorination Report Form MOR 012 MOR 012
Corrosion Control Report: Small and Medium System Corrosion Control Report Form MOR 013 MOR 013
UV Report: Small Water System Monthly Operating Report for UV Treatment MOR 014 UVSM MOR 014 UVSM

Updated 11/14/2023