Environmental Mapping and GIS Resources

Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps

Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps are made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Office of Response and Restoration. The State of New Hampshire uses these maps as part of the decision-making process for remediating coastal oil spills. ESI maps provide a summary of biological, geological and human use resources that are at risk if an oil spill occurs nearby and were updated in 2016.

To access NOAA’s ESI program website, click here.
To access ESI geospatial information and downloadable maps for New Hampshire, click here.
To access ESI geospatial information and downloadable maps for Maine, click here.
To view ESI data on the web through NOAA's Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA), click here.

Maine Environmental Vulnerability Index Maps

Maine primarily uses Environmental Vulnerability Index Maps, developed by the state and last updated in 2007. This series of maps depicts biological, geological, and human resources along the coast of Maine most at risk from oil spilled into the marine or estuarine environment. It is important to note that these maps are not an exhaustive inventory, but a survey meant to give first responders a tool for prioritizing and targeting response strategies.

To access Maine’s EVI maps, click here.

NOAA Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA)

NOAA’s ERMA online mapping tool allows users to visualize a variety of static and real-time environmental information to assist in the making of informed decisions for coastal oil spill response, damage assessment, recovery, and restoration.


The MARPLOT GIS software package can be used for mapping of and planning for chemical emergencies, particularly on land. It allows users to add features to a map as well as model constraints based on population and environmental factors. The MARPLOT software can be downloaded at the EPA CAMEO website.

New Hampshire Coastal Viewer

The New Hampshire Coastal Viewer provides access to new and existing spatial data sets and information about coastal resources, hazards, and opportunities and how to reduce risk from these hazards and increase coastal resiliency in New Hampshire. The online ArcGIS based data viewer can be accessed at:


Google Earth Files

ME and NH Geographic Response Strategies for Google Earth
Maine Planned Boom Locations for Google Earth
New Hampshire Planned Boom Locations for Google Earth
Casco Bay Geographic Response Strategies and Shorelines

Geospatial Data Sites

Maine GeoLibrary(State of Maine)
NH GRANIT(New Hampshire Statewide Geospatial Clearinghouse)
NOAA Maps and Spatial Data
US Census Bureau TIGER/Line Shapefiles
New Brunswick GeoNB Data Catalogue
Nova Scotia GeoData