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Talking Books and Large Print Services

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Fill out an application at the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS). Note: applications must be signed by an appropriate certifying authority - please read the instructions carefully!

About Free Library Service for Institutions

  • Libraries: Large print books may be loaned to libraries for use by patrons who require the use of large print material.
  • Institutions: Large print books, talking books and talking book equipment for the use of blind and physically disabled persons who qualify may be loaned to institutions such as nursing homes and hospitals, for the use of such persons only.
  • Schools: Talking books and equipment may also be used in public or private schools where disabled students are enrolled; however, the students in public or private schools must be certified as eligible on an individual basis and must be the direct and only recipients of the material and equipment. Please complete the "Certification of Student Eligibility" form for this purpose.
  • Veterans: In the lending of books, recordings, playback equipment, musical scores, instructional texts, and other specialized materials, preference shall be given at all times to the needs of the blind and other physically disabled persons who have been honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States

Confidentiality: Records relating to the use of library materials which contain names or other personally identifying details are confidential and will not be disclosed except upon request or consent of the user or when required by law.