Monday, February 6, 2023

Secretary Bellows testifies in opposition to legislation requiring voters to show specific ID to receive a ballot

AUGUSTA — On Monday Secretary of State Shenna Bellows testified in opposition to legislation which would require Maine voters to provide specific types of IDs to receive a ballot.

“The constitutional right to vote, guaranteed to all Maine citizens, is fundamental to our democracy. All voters should have the freedom to vote equally, and any bill that infringes on that freedom should be viewed with the strictest scrutiny with regards to the need and the public interest,” said Secretary Bellows. “Forcing people to carry a specific type of photo identification to vote would result in logistical challenges, financial burdens and potential discrimination.”

Maine elections are free, safe and secure and Maine law requires proof of identity to be shown at the point of voter registration. L.D. 34 would increase costs, complications and consequences to our elections and turn eligible voters away.

“Longer wait times at the airport or at a liquor store because of a need to check ID may be an annoyance, but they do not infringe on anyone’s fundamental civil rights as a requirement for a specific ID at the polls would,” said Secretary Bellows. “The bill could reduce faith in our elections by making participation for certain types of voters – black, indigenous, people of color, people living in poverty, seniors or people living in rural areas – more complicated and burdensome. It could also undermine faith in elections by increasing lines at the polls and headaches for voters.”

Secretary Bellows also pointed to a report by the 2012 Elections Commission formed by former Secretary of State Charles Summers that recommended against forcing Mainers to show voter ID at the polls.  

Secretary Bellows’ written testimony available upon request.
