Maine Motor Vehicle Franchise Board
April 4, 2014

The Maine Motor Vehicle Franchise Board met in the Executive Conference Room of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles at 9 am on April 4, 2014, to vote on the draft Decision they had reviewed in March, following their January 7, 2014, deliberations and vote on the pending Complaint in the matter of Darling's v Chrysler Group LLC., MMVFB No. 13-01.

The Board also voted on the draft Order on Attorney Fees and Costs they had reviewed on April 3, 2014. Five Board Members and the Board Chairman McCurry were present along with counsel for Darling's, and the Chrysler Group and Jay Darling. Five Franchise Board members were present: Public Members Jill Goodwin of Belfast, and William Dowling of Augusta and Dealer Members Donald Lee of Cumberland, William Sowles of Yarmouth, and Charles Gaunce of Waterville.

The Board voted unanimously to adopt the Decision and Fee Order in MMVFB No. 13-01 as drafted.