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Now that you have completed your review of the course material, you may begin the examination portion of the certification process. The examination includes a number of questions covering a variety of areas relating to the laws and best practices relating to selling or serving alcohol.

While taking the examination, if you provide an incorrect response, you will have the opportunity to review the related information from the course material and adjust your response accordingly. You will not be able to move to the next question until a correct response is provided. The questions are designed to familiarize you with situations that you may experience while selling or serving alcohol.

If you need to return at a later time to complete the examination, you will be allowed to save it and log in at a later time to complete the examination. If you exit the certification process, you will need to return and complete it within 15 days.

Questions about this service? Contact BABLO at: (207) 287-6753 or by email at

Exam Questions

  • Overview
  • Question 1
  • Question 2