Home → For Libraries→ Library Statistics→ Annual Report Statistics
Maine Public Library Annual Report Statistics - Maine State Library
Did you know...
You can calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) using the Library Use Value Calculator and your annual report statistics?
Need help gathering statistics? Try a statistics worksheet.
The information in this report is designed to help librarians and trustees assess how well their libraries are performing, identify areas for improvement and make long range plans. If you have any questions about the annual report statistics, contact Jenny Melvin, the State Data Coordinator at 207-650-0190.
Tips for using the numbers:
- Show how the use of the library goes up over time
- Compare and contrast your library to nearby libraries or other libraries of the same size (benchmarking)
- Combine census information and library statistical data in grant applications
- Illustrate the effectiveness of library services and programs
- Inform decision makers and your community about the value of the library
- Advocate for budget or staff increases - see the Data in Action toolkits for help
- See also Does Your Library Count? - Importance of the statistics, how to compare libraries, how the State Library uses the statistics
- Use the Value Calculator to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) for your community. (How to calculate the ROI).
Available Years
- 2023 Data
- Library Data Excel Spreadsheet [Excel, 263KB]
- Salary Data (salaries being paid in 2024)
- 5-Year Trend Data
- 2022 Data
- Salary Data (salaries being paid in 2023) [Excel, 364kb]
- 5-Year Trend Data
- 2021 Data
- Salary Data (salaries being paid in 2022) [Excel, 330kb]
- 2020 Data
- Salary Data (salaries being paid in 2021) [Excel, 104kb]
- 2019 Data
- Salary Data (salaries being paid in 2020) [Excel, 96kb]
- 2018 Data
- Salary Data (salaries being paid in 2019) [Excel, 58kb]
- 2017 Data
- 2016 Data
- 2015 Data
- 2014 Data
For statistics prior to 2009, please contact Jenny Melvin.
Quick Access
Maine Library Statistics Trend Analysis 2015-2019 [Word, 333KB]