MaineDOT Standard Specifications

Access your required Standard Specification version below.

  • 2020 Edition (March 2020)
  • 2014 Edition (Nov. 2014)

MaineDOT Standard Specifications (March 2020 Edition)

After much stakeholder input, the 2014 Standard Spec book has been revised.

Printed copies are available by calling the bid document sales department at (207) 624-3220 , or at their office located on the first floor of the MaineDOT Child Street building. The cost per copy is $10 plus $5 shipping.

ALL projects advertised after April 29, 2020 will need to meet the specifications of the March 2020 Edition, NOT the 2014.

The March 2020 edition will be Red with Black lettering.

If you have any questions regarding the book or specifications, please contact George Macdougall at

We want to thank all of you who participated in this update.

These specifications are provided (in pdf format) as reference only.

Complete Document

Standard Specifications (PDF)

Individual Sections

  • Supplemental Specifications (Corrections, Additions, & Revisions to Standard Specifications - March 2020) (6/16/2023 update)
  • Supplemental Specifications (Corrections, Additions, & Revisions to Standard Specifications - March 2020) (7/17/2023 update)
  • Supplemental Specifications (Corrections, Additions, & Revisions to Standard Specifications - March 2020) (12/4/2023 update)
  • Supplemental Specifications (Corrections, Additions, & Revisions to Standard Specifications - March 2020) (1/19/2024 update)
  • Supplemental Specifications (Corrections, Additions, & Revisions to Standard Specifications - March 2020) (2/16/2024 update)
  • Supplemental Specifications (Corrections, Additions, & Revisions to Standard Specifications - March 2020) (8/2/2024 update)
  • Supplemental Specifications (Corrections, Additions, & Revisions to Standard Specifications - March 2020) (12/17/2024 update)
  • MaineDOT Standard Specifications (November 2014 Edition)

    After much stakeholder input, the 2002 Standard Spec book has been revised.

    Printed copies are available by calling the bid document sales department at (207) 624-3220, or at their office located on the first floor of the MaineDOT Child Street building. The cost per copy is $10 plus $5 shipping.

    ALL projects advertised after November 1st, 2014 will need to meet the specifications of the November 2014 Edition, NOT the 2002 version that has been used for the past 12 years.

    The November 2014 edition will be Gold with Blue lettering.

    The November 2014 version removes all metric references, and updates specifications to modern standards. If you have any questions regarding the book or specifications, please contact George Macdougall at

    We want to thank all of you who participated in this update.

    These specifications are provided (in pdf format) as reference only.

    Complete Document

    Standard Specifications (PDF)

    Individual Sections

    Updates (Corrections, Additions and Revisions)