Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

MaineDOT is committed to engaging small disadvantaged, minority and women-owned business enterprises as defined herein in all contracts to the maximum feasible extent, and will continue working to ensure the maximum feasible opportunity for these businesses to participate in contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds.

As a recipient of federal USDOT funding, MaineDOT is required to develop and administer the DBE Program. MaineDOT administers the DBE Program and certifies all DBEs in Maine in compliance with federal regulations under 49 CFR Part 26. This program is intended to remedy past and current discrimination against disadvantaged business enterprises, ensure a “level playing field,” and foster equal opportunity in USDOT-assisted contracts; improve the flexibility and efficiency of the DBE Program; and reduce burdens on small businesses.

DBE Certification does not mean the contractor has the ability to work in the state of Maine - it is up to the contractor to verify eligibility.


DBE Ferry Boat Project Goal Public Notice (PDF)

Ferry DBE Project Goal - Islesboro - MEMORANDUM August 2024 (PDF)

A public meeting to discuss Maine DOT’s DBE goal and rationale will be held on August 21st, 2024 virtually. Parties interested in participating in the meeting virtually may do so by joining the ZOOM meeting online.
Meeting ID: 849 5418 5737
Passcode: 42864198

This meeting is open to the public.

Public comments will be accepted, in writing, for 30 days following the Public Participation meeting. The public comment period will be complete on September 21, 2024. An updated goal will be submitted to FTA, if necessary, based on public comment.

Written comments should be addressed to: Sherry Y. Tompkins, Maine Department of Transportation, Civil Rights Office, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016 or by e-mail at: sherry.tompkins@maine.gov.

Effective March 1, 2023, the business size standard for applicant and certified DBEs seeking to participate in FHWA and FTA-assisted contracts is $30.40 million (adjusted from $28.48 million). This adjustment does not apply to the Airport Concession DBE (ACDBE) program under 49 CFR part 23.

General Information/DBE Documents
  • Unified Certification Program (UCP) Annual MAP 21 Report

    Each year, Maine DOT, as Maine’s Unified Certification Program (UCP), must submit to the US DOT Departmental Office of Civil Rights, information on its participating DBE firms.  MaineDOT goes through its statewide unified DBE directory and counts the number of firms controlled, respectively, by: (1) White women, (2) minority or other men, and (3) minority women, and then convert the numbers to percentages, showing the calculations. The information reported includes the location of the firms in the State; per USDOT request, it does not include Airport Concessionaire DBEs (ACDBEs) in the numbers.  The location of the DBE firm is annotated as the total firms in-state and total firms out–of-state. Please review our most recent MAP-21 DBE data (PDF)

Contractor and Consultant CUF and Utilization Forms

Contractor Forms

Subrecipient DBE Instructions and Reporting Forms


  • MaineDOT Subrecipient DBE Program Instructions and Forms (Word) (PDF)


DBE Application Information

The following is a list of application forms and Instructions for applying as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). Please forward completed applications to the following address:

Maine Department of Transportation
Attn: Mary Bryant
Civil Rights Office
#16 State House Station
24 Child Street
Augusta, ME 04333-0016

Telephone: (207) 624-3056
E-mail: mary.bryant@maine.gov

MaineDOT In-State DBE Documents

MaineDOT Out-Of-State DBE Documents

As of January 1, 2013, the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) will require any out-of-state firm certified in the federal DBE program in its home state to submit the following for consideration for certification in Maine:

Certification in Maine will be determined by the MaineDOT and the Department reserves the right to ask for further documentation before it renders its decision to certify in the Maine DBE Program.

Pursuant to 49 CFR Section 26.85(d)(3), interstate DBE certifications are completed within 60 days of receipt of all information required by Section 26.85(c).

Annual Review Documents

List of Required Documents

  • Affidavit of No Change (PDF)
  • Proof of gross receipts for your company’s most recently completed fiscal year, calculated on a cash basis regardless of the overall accounting method. The following documents may generally be considered “safe harbors,” provided that they include all reportable receipts, properly calculated, for the full reporting period: audited financial statements, a CPA’s signed attestation of correctness and completeness, or all income-related portions of one or more (when there are affiliates) signed Federal income tax returns as filed
  • A cover letter that specifies that the DBE is submitting the required annual review documentation, identifies all UCPs in which the DBE is certified.
  • An electronic image of the UCP directory of the original UCP that shows the DBE certification.
DBE Goals and Methodologies



  • 2023-2025 FTA DBE Goal Methodology (DOC) (PDF)
DBE Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the DBE Program?

A:  The agency promotes a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, as an affirmative means to fulfill the philosophy that all businesses, regardless of ownership are allowed equal freedom and opportunity to compete for all contracts. All women and minority business owners providing transportation construction or related services are encouraged to apply for certification. DBE Regulations.

Q: How do I get my firm certified?

A:  Complete the application (which is listed above under the DBE Application Information dropdown link), add the attachments, and mail to us.  We'll schedule a visit to your business to determine your eligibility.  If you need help with the application contact Mary Bryant at 207-624-3056 or mary.bryant@maine.gov

Q: How will this help my firm?

A:  Your firm will be listed in the online Maine DBE Directory that is constantly updated.  In addition, we provide technical and management assistance to certified businesses through our DBE Supportive Service Program, learn more about them here:  EMDC Web site.

Q: What is a socially or economically disadvantaged individual?

A:  A socially or economically disadvantaged individual is a citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States who is of the following groups, members of which are reputably presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged:

  • Black Americans, includes person having origins in any part of the Black racial groups of Africa;
  • Hispanic Americans, includes persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central or South American, or other Spanish or Portuguese culture or origin, regardless of race;
  • Native Americans, includes American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, or Native Hawaiians;
  • Asian-Pacific Americans, includes persons whose origins are from Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Burma (Myanmar), Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Brunei, Samoa, Guam, The U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific Island (Republic of Palau), the commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, Macao, Fiji,
  •  Tonga, Kiribati, Juvalu, Nauru, Federated States of Micronesia, or Hong Kong;
  • Subcontinent Asian Americans, includes persons whose origins are from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives Islands, Nepal or Sri Lanka;
  • Women;
  • Any additional groups whose members are designated as socially and economically disadvantaged by the SBA, at such time as the SBA designation becomes effective.

Q: My Maine firm is certified in Maine; can I get certified in other states as well?

A: A DBE certification is only valid in the state in which the certification was issued. However to obtain certification in another state you must first be certified in your home state.   States vary in what they require for certification. Once you have obtained certification in your home state, you should contact the DBE Administrator from the state in which you want to obtain certification (the full contact list is available at:

They will inform you of the required documents. 

Q: My firm is not in Maine but has been certified by my home state. How do I become certified in Maine?

For out-of-state firms, Maine requires the following information:

  • Interstate Certification Request Form;
  • Copy of the latest Letter of Certification from the DBE's home state;
  • A notarized “Interstate Affidavit of Disclosure.”

This information should be sent to Maine Department of Transportation, Civil Rights Office, Attn: Stacie Haskell, State House Station 16, Augusta, ME 04333.

Certification in Maine will be determined by the MaineDOT. The Department reserves the right to ask for further documentation before it renders its decision to certify in the Maine DBE Program

Q: How does MaineDOT establish goals for DBE participation?

A: The 2022-2024 DBE participation goal for Federal Highway and Federal Aviation projects is 1.97%. Please review the 2022-2024 Maine DBE goal methodology approved by the FHWA. The 2020-2022 DBE participation goal for Federal Transit projects is .94%. The FFY 2020-2022 FTA DBE Goal Methodology is now available for public review.

Q: Once certified, can a firm be assured of getting contracts and subcontracts?

A: No. Certification does not guarantee work to a DBE; however, it does enhance a DBE's exposure to prime contractors, government agencies, and the business community.  To be successful, a firm must diligently seek out contracts and implement a strategic marketing plan.

Q: Where can I find information on upcoming MaineDOT contracting opportunities?

A: Check out MaineDOTs Contract website at: http://www.maine.gov/mdot/contractors/