Professional Learning - Mathematics

Stained Glass SpiralMaine Department of Education encourages and supports the continuous learning of all Maine educators. How schools implement mathematics standards is entirely a local decision, however, the Department offers professional learning opportunities, initiatives and programs that educators may find helpful as part of our commitment to Maine's learners. Through in-person events, webinars and other digital events, Maine DOE provides affordable learning opportunities.

Districts/schools or organizations/groups will be able to request virtual support by contacting Maine DOE to discuss available options to suit your needs. Due to capacity of the department specialists, there will be an expectation of a minimum of 15 participants (grades K-5), 10 participants (grades 6-12), and 10 participants (administrators). Districts/schools are encouraged to reach out to neighboring districts to participate to reach the minimum numbers needed.

Districts/schools may be required to cover the cost of workshop materials and travel expenses of the department specialist for in-person support. You may use your district funds associated with professional development to cover these fees.

Priority for support will be given to districts/schools identified as Tier III and Tier I under Maine’s accountability system.