
All Webinars are presented on Tuesdays at 10am

Webinars from previous years, as well as current year webinars that have been presented, can be found on the DOE Data Team's YouTube Channel



Maine Schools Webinar

            April 30th @ 10am

Maine Schools is the process by which Maine DoE collects the organization information about Maine LEA's and Schools for the upcoming school year. Maine School Approval provides MDOE the attestation from districts that all Maine statutory requirements are being met by each LEA. This report offers an opportunity to update the LEA & school contact information to ensure that MDOE has the most current information. Student enrollments cannot be uploaded/entered into Synergy until Maine Schools is complete. This webinar will review the requirements for the Maine Schools process.


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ESEA Demographics Report Webinar

            May 14th @ 10am

The ESEA Demographics Report is an aggregation of students enrolled on 05/27 for participation in state assessments during the current assessment administration. This report includes student demographic categories for assessment and accountability purposes. This webinar will review reporting requirements and navigation of the ESEA Demographics Report in NEO.


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EOY Reporting Webinar

            May 21st @ 10am

Daily Attendance, Truancy, Behavior, and Bullying reports are due for final certification at the end of the school year. This data is aggregated for public reporting after certification and reported in multiple locations including the Maine Department of Education Data Warehouse, ESSA Dashboard, and federal reporting. This report will review requirements for each of these four (4) reports and navigation of the reports in NEO.


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EOY Enrollment Exits Webinar

            May 28th @10am

All students, even those intending to return next year, must be exited from Synergy at the conclusion of the school year. Accurate student exits at the end of the school years can decrease data fixes at the beginning of next school year. This webinar will review recommendations for properly exiting students at the conclusion of the school year and the process for exiting students from State Synergy.


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Special Education Exit Report Webinar

            June 4 @ 10am

Students who have exited special education services during the reporting period (July 1, through June 30) must have special education exit information (a special ed exit date and exit reason) added to their enrollments in Synergy State Edition. Student information must be entered or uploaded into the Synergy State Edition by the school where the student is attending. School Administrative Units (SAUs) are required to certify the exit data using the Special Education Exit Report found in NEO. This webinar will review the requirements and process for Special Education Exit Reporting.

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