Land for Maine's Future Program Calls for New Conservation and Recreation Proposals

November 26, 2024

Augusta - The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's Land for Maine's Future Program (LMF) announced its next call for Conservation and Recreation proposals. The latest requests are for Projects of Statewide Significance and Community Conservation Projects.

LMF is the State's primary method of conserving land for its natural and recreational value. The Program was established in 1987 when Maine citizens approved a $35 million bond to fund land purchases and easements. The Program's priority is to conserve more of Maine's landscape, recognizing that permanently protecting lands with exceptional natural or recreational value is critical to maintaining our quality of life.

Since its inception, LMF has successfully conserved an expanse of over 656,000 acres. LMF's impact encompasses creating 73 water access sites, offering 67 miles of protected shoreline along rivers, lakes, and ponds. The program has safeguarded 42 farms, securing 9,819 acres of farmland. Additionally, LMF has been instrumental in conserving 30 working waterfront properties and repurposing 158 miles of former railroad corridors into recreational trails. This multifaceted approach extends to creating over 1,300 miles of shoreline (of all types) and 114 miles of coastal shoreline access, enhancing public enjoyment of Maine's coastal landscapes.

Since Governor Mills proposed and the Legislature overwhelmingly approved $40 million to reinvigorate LMF, the LMF Board has approved 78 new projects with an investment of just over $34 million. These projects are expected to leverage private and federal contributions valued at more than $58 million.

Important LMF Proposal Dates

  • January 17, 2025 - Inquiry Forms are due by 5:00 p.m.
  • March 21, 2025 - Final Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m.

Projects of Statewide Significance include lands with one or more resources that are rare and exceptional in Maine based on a published report, database, or credible testimony, or the recreational activity associated with the parcel will frequently and routinely attract users.

Community Conservation Projects are projects of local or regional significance that promote public outdoor recreational access to land and waters, including for underserved populations; public health; connection between conserved lands and population centers; local or regional agriculture; conservation of cultural and historical resources on undeveloped lands; protection of lakes, rivers or streams; conservation of fish or wildlife habitat; protection of public drinking water supplies; conservation of community forests; local economic development; opportunities for environmental learning; and nonmotorized transportation options.

Eligible LMF applicants include nonprofit land conservation organizations, cities, towns, state agencies, or other eligible holders of conservation easements under Title 33 MRSA, Section 476(2). An application must include full knowledge and agreement from the landowner that their project is up for consideration for LMF funding.

A copy of the LMF Workbook, which contains all the information necessary to apply for LMF funds, is now available on the LMF web page.

Please note that LMF's Public Access to Maine's Waters Fund is open for applications at any time, and the electronic submission portal is coming soon!

For more information about the LMF program and the conservation projects, please visit

For more information contact: Jim Britt at: